SELLING DN SEA + FREE MINOS LEBRIUM POUCH AND FDN SCALE POUCH!! ~VENA PLAGA MAIN 10.3 GS~ [/] 7M Max Attack DMG! [/] FULL EPIC COSTUME (inc. W/T/D) HELM(Converted UNIQUE already) [/] ALL LEGEND JADES + DDJ Bloodshot + Paraselene + Guild Jade +8 [/] FDN Necklace +7 BDN Ear (LVL2) +8 BDN Obsi Rings(LVL2) +10/+9 [/] COMPLETE HERALDRIES + IONA + Goddess [/] EPIC Pet Max Lvl60 [/] FD: 99% with mount || Dark Elem:97% || Atk: 110% [/] Crit: 90% CritDMG: 307% ~2ND Main Inqui~ [/] SAME EPIC W/T/D Costume Including Weap and 2nd Weap [/] Custom Ponytail Cool Hair/ Cloud mount
Hi! I'm new to the website i would like to know when and how will i be able to receive the player after i purhcase it and which PET you have? add me on discord: Lumiere#0238 so we can chat before purchase i want more pictures please