HELLO IM SELLING MY DRAGON NEST SEA GREENWOOD SERVER ACCOUNT WITH: RAVEN [MAIN] - Full legendary gear with +12 leica main weapon & lrd secondary - 6 out 8 plates have 3rd stats(attack power) - Free 30 days talisman expansion slot - 3 epic giant wings, 1 epic tail, 1 epic decal , 2 epic earrings (see image below) ________________________________________________________________ RAVEN[MAX] - FREE 120+ Light cubes - WITH EPIC POLICE COSTUME WEAPONS - CHERRT SPIRIT GUARDIAN[MAX] - WITH EPIC POLICE COSTUME WEAPONS - CHERRT SPIRIT SAINT[MAX] - WITH EPIC POLICE COSTUME WEAPONS - CHERRT SPIRIT SNIPER[MAX] - WITH EPIC POLICE COSTUME WEAPONS - CHERRT SPIRIT
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