Selling  High End DMO - Leviamon Server - Omegamon X and AoX 1kT

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GGProduction, 9/21/21.

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  1. GGProduction

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    This account is not the same as in my other thread. This account belongs to my friend and he wants me to sell it.

    Global Digimon Masters Online Account
    Server: Leviamon
    Level: 120

    Clothing: Old Dungeon Clothes Hoody,Gloves,Pants (permanent/shiny)
    new Dungeon Clothes Baihu Gloves,Zhuqia Ornament, QingloCape, Xuanwu Hoody (30days)
    Shoes: Wizardmon Shoes (30days)

    Attributes: 1x 364 AT, 1x 195 Defense, 1x 650 Hp (max stat)
    Chipset: Jogress Chip Permanent, Wing Guardian(OmegamonX) 208,192,190 AT

    Accessoire: Radiant Earring2x(CD,CD,HitRate,DS+CD,CD,HP,Attribute), max stat. Neck 3x(CD,Attribute,Attackspeed,Critical+CD,Attackspeed,HP,Skill), Royal X knights Bracelet 1x(CD,CD,HP,HitRate,DS), max stat. Ring 2x(AT,AT,Attribute,Skill+AT,AT,HP,Defense)

    Seals: important ones are 3000, I recommend to send screenshot

    Deck Buff: Legendary Knights of Vaccine

    Important Digimon: Omegamon X (Perfect cloned at all clone levels)
    Alphamon Ouryuken X
    Susannomon,Armageddomon(Conflation),Apocalymon(Psychic) and so on..

    paypal available

    for more information I recommend to contact me on discord : Buri7783
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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