Selling  Average Dml account lvl 100, vip lvl 4, 212 dragons.

Discussion in 'Dragon Mania Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MHQ-9, 12/28/21.

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  1. MHQ-9

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    The account is on android and associated with my fb account its secure And the reason I'm selling it is because I'm bored with it and haven't touched it for the past 3 to 4 years so this account won't be a cool one with all the divines it actually has one divine and you will need to use it as a starting account nothing else but got tired with it when I was playing so you'll find some nice work on it.

    Note: I can't take any PayPal or cc I'm selling it with gift cards because I don't have a PayPal or a cc.
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