Selling  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) Dislyte Account [Lvl 17] with 11k Diamonds and 4 Legendarys (Sally, Li Ling, Hyde and Zora)

Discussion in 'Dislyte Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ronjaaam, 7/17/22.

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  1. Ronjaaam

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    My Location:
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    I am Selling my Dislyte Account with 4 Legendarys (Li Ling, Sally, Hyde and Zora)

    The Account still has 11k Diamonds so you can buy a lot of Gold plates and pull yourself.
    The Account also has a solid amount of Epics a lot of them have multiples.

    The reason I am selling, is because this was a sponsored Account (made an advertisement for the company).
    Story progession is at 8-1, because I needed to play that for the videos.
    upload_2022-7-17_18-23-17.png upload_2022-7-17_18-28-50.png
    #1 Ronjaaam, 7/17/22
    Last edited: 7/19/22
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