[Discussion] playerup Staff & Community.CoD4 & CoD4 Remastered

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by D3.-Starh<3, 1/9/17.

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  1. D3.-Starh<3

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    Hey there playerup. I personally don't care if there's a CoD4 section with the remastered, however I think it would help some of the users who don't read all that much. It'll keep the forum more organized, rather than having 2 games under one forum. I'm sure users would be happier about this in the log run, and it's really not that hard to do. I yet haven't seen other members, request for it, but I don't really read other threads other than my own since that's all I can do to help. I'm sure other users will be thankful for it later down the road, and hope to see this implemented. If you want me to prove a point, the community members can vote and write a comment... Thank you for your time.
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