Selling    1-24 Hours Discord OFFLINE Server Members Gaming | 1k+ |

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Gems | COC Gem for Sale' started by Growthchart, 7/29/22.

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  1. Growthchart

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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    ⚡ Unique Usernames
    ⚡ Unique Profile Photos
    ⚡️ Gaming Profile Pictures
    ⌛ Start Time: 0 - 12 hours [No Speed Up]
    ⚡Speed: 2000/Day [Fast Delivery After START]
    ♻ Guarantee: The Delivery is guaranteed
    ♻ Refill: 0 Days
    ♻ Drop: 0%
    ~~~ Quality ~~~
    1.) NFT Profile Pictures, High Quality, European Usernames
    2.) Quality Example:
    3.) Members have activity status: Playing, Listening and Quotes.

    Drip-Feed: Disabled❌
    Target Country: Worldwide
    Note:~ ❌ Cancellation: No
    ►Link Example:
    ⚠️ Your invite link must be permanent. You can look at how to do it. Please don't change your invite link after the purchase.

    ⚠️ You should not use Anti-Raid spam # such as Beemo or Wick. This kind of # will kick the members, and the order will be marked as completed.

    ⚠️ After the new discord update, delivery is impossible for flagged servers. To find out if your server is flagged, you may try to join your server. If it is flagged, you will get a captcha. Discord flags do not affect your server. Only it makes the delivery not possible.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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