Selling  Discord Nitro Classic Membership {Global}

Discussion in 'Discord OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Abdelrhma, 3/21/24.

  1. Abdelrhma

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    Discord Nitro Classic Membership {Global}

    Discord: a.a0872

    Discord Nitro Classic Membership 1 Month Free Trial (Redeem Code).

    Nitro, unlocks access to all the perks Discord offers, including:

    1- 500MB uploads
    2- Custom emoji and stickers anywhere
    3- HD video streaming
    4- And 2 Server Boosts just to name a few!

    Note: Valid for Discord users who have not subscribed to Nitro within the past 12 months.

    How To Redeem code ?
    1- Go to Discord (PC or Web) > Setting > Gift Inventory
    2- Paste a Code and Click Reedem
    3- After Redeem Click On (Click here)
    4- You'll need a payment card to activate although it won't charge you
    Activation instructions will be sent to you if requested over playerup chat

    Terms and Condition
    1. Make sure to make a video of recording when redeem a code. The video should be starting BEFORE you view the code. Any recording that show you already view the code Will be rejected
    2. You must claim in 24 hours, else it will be expired
    3. Make sure you didnt have any membership that are still going on, else it wont work