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    1. chantina
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      CONTACT (Discord): chantina#1698

      Discord Mass DM, Raid & Token Generator Tool


      - mass dm
      Advertise anything you want, make Tokens join any server and spam messages in the users DM's.

      - raiding
      Raid and spam any server you want. (bypasses every Anti-Raid)

      - token generating
      Generate Discord Tokens and Accounts with one click.

      Price: $90 / Lifetime | Tool gets updated every Month to bypass anything

      CONTACT (Discord): chantina#1698

      MASS DM Service

      Our # (tokens) will join the servers of your choice and send a specified dm to each user (for example discord invites to grow your server).

      20k DMs : $40 (2k members guaranteed)
      50k DMs : $100 (5k members guaranteed)
      100k DMs : $180 (10k members guaranteed)

      Server Raiding Service

      Our # (tokens) will join the servers of your choice and spam a specified message on every channel.

      30 Minutes Raiding : $20
      6 Hours Raiding : $160
      12 Hours Raiding: $220

      The servers that are getting raided can’t stop our attacks (we have over 10.000 # that can bypass any AntiRaid-System). The owners have to close the server till they removed all of our #.

      Account Advertising Service

      We’ll send a specified message in all chats of a cracked account (could reach 100 users per account)

      10 Accounts : $30
      20 Accounts : $50
      30 Accounts : $75

      CONTACT (Discord): chantina#1698
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