asked for my email access, even if we were on share screen he would exit the share screen at some point all of a sudden the first email that i used for my riot acc got disabled tried logging into val and riot accounts, passwords have changed even accused me of having the google authenticator, when in fact i have disabled that on my account for YEARS. basically, a scammer who will scam you and pretend in a sheep's clothing... lol after i was disabled and basically don't have anymore access either of my accounts, he suddenly needed to go LOL oh and be reminded, he'll say that he's from singapore when all of his google locations detected him in Riau, Indonesia. hi dedrick, i hope ure here SCAMMER. trying to pretend u dont know quack when basically uve changed all the recovery email/phones that i have on the email that i used for my riot account and then puttint the blame on me because i have authenticator on EVEN WHEN I DONT. and then stopping sharing the screen in the middle of it all u scammer. here's his reddit accounts btw, and u have guts to post someone being a scammer, when u were self is one. LOL # #/Jaded_Moose_3240 . .