Selling  Directive and cert grinding

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rev6y7, 4/27/19.

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  1. rev6y7

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    I am grinding weapon related directives for you. (only on EU servers, i am german)

    E.g.: Orion for lmg directive, boltdriver for sniper directive, smg kills for light assault directive, Halberd kills for Prowler...

    What i dont do: grinding ridiculous directives, like MAX punch, decimator kills for heavy or savior kills for medic, that take ages to accomplish

    I will grind pistol kills too, but only in combination with other weapons
    I might do ground vehicle directives as well, but that highly depends on if i have a good gunner or driver.

    I will need either attachments for the weapons or a properly certed vehicle.

    FYI: Stuff like beamer kills for pistol directive with take longer of course than t9-carv lmg kills
    I got a job and have to work under the week, but will use most of my free time to play.

    All the certs i make, are yours of course.

    Why should you choose me to take care of your directives?

    I am playing Planetside 2 since 2013, i have a good rig, good aim, and most importantly, i know how to farm.

    Here are a few Screenshots from the last days, where i was grinding sniper directive for someone:

    Screenshot album on Imgbb:
    directive grind —

    If you want to see my usual k/d, kph and weapon stats, i have my old account, with lots of pictures, for sale on playerup as well:

    Link to the album, with 127 screenshots:
    ps2 acc pics —

    Link to the account thread:

    3 Miller prestige chars, 5k directive, implants, cosmetics, everything import
     Selling - Sell Account - [WTS] 7 x 250 Z-Keys!!! Meine Gw... | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.


    35EUR per single directive tree

    65EUR for 2 (5EUR #)

    95EUR for 3 (10EUR #)

    125EUR for 4 (15EUR #)

    150EUR for all 5 (25EUR #)

    further discounts can be made if you want multiple directive trees / pistol directives alongside

    Amazon Gift Card (EUR),
    Bank Transfer (i am german)

    payment in advance

    Most easy to grind for me:

    sniper kills
    smgs, lmgs, carbines, shotguns, ar's (and kobalt kills >_<) are just fine too

    If you got any questions, feel free to reply on the thread or
    PM me if youre intersted.

    I got Discord and Teamspeak.

    Kind regards,
    #1 rev6y7, 4/27/19
    Last edited: 4/27/19
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