small intro: helloooooo I really want to quit ow, so if I get rid of all my items, it'll persuade me not to come back. I've been playing off and on since 2011, its 2017. new year new me. I'm totally kidding lmao I mainly have items from 2016, some popular smalls, and a few completed sets ( will be listing). I have a bit of items, just post your lf lol If you want a set that's incomplete, the item is most likely on the mp and I can complete it for you. If they aren't, then sorry I took down the mostly completed sets. I may have different colors of a set but its not complete, so you can just ask. I do prefer coins! Items are okay too I won't be selling at mpa. doesnt seem right sooooo yeah!!! completed (and semi completed) sets (semi alphabetized?): 80s cool jackets April 206 rainy duckling set- purple, black (unopened) camo cute necklaces chill and chilly- black cozy touch- green leveled deep sea ruler delish donut- white earth day 2016- dog, dolphin (minus bag) geometric waves one piece- pink, teal ghostie ghost- purple (minus legs) good n grunge- black kawaii school uniform- teal/dark blue moose knit hats moose knit scarves- minus black and purple looking sharp- mint, black miraculously marvelous- white/grey music fest- black minus glasses oct 2016 set- purple Old skool cool- red sept 2016- red ski you later- grey snuggle weather- black/pink stars and stripes sunlit bandana- minus yellow super santa- black tropic sunset- orange green purple two tone dark scarves- missing 3 i think post your lf!!!!!