Diamond wand and Saph Wand

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I have a diamond wand and saph wand for sale.Diamond wand is rank around 45...I forgot saph cause i haven't play in a while..You can msg me at more details at aim:Myhermy Or msn ***************************************************** Accepting only paypal..Dun try to scam me..

    willing to trade your diamond wand for my d2 reg + d2 LOD cd-key? 100% working!!

    let me know..

    AIM - xemp7


    Nopez..Looking for paypal only sorry

    Bumpz still selling..


    Dec 05, 06.

    ~BuMpZ~ ~BuMpZ~

    around rank 45 umm is it WC or NA ? doesnt matter is all a beat in the head if u get my drift cough..

    Ehh It gbna..

    dude ur stupid no offense..

    instead of just posting it it here..

    post it in Ebay...-_-'' its common sense
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