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    1. Kohvinauding
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      Character is in Frost Horrors EU server.

      Very powerful character in PVE, good for PVP if you know how to use summons or disrupt players with skills.

      Character keeps increasing it's combat rating, now it is 2098, grows every day! Paragon level is now 88 and total resonance is 1010. Most people invest heavily over 1000 USD to get so far.

      Legendary Gems:
      Echoing Shade 3/5 rank 3 - adds 2 more summons

      Seeping Bile 3/5 rank 2 - adds good poison for mass monster clearing

      Phoenix Ashes 5/2 rank 2 - helps you to stay alive so, monsters and players can't one hit you

      Power & Command 2/2 rank5 - 13,5% more damage and spell power over 9 secs repeatedly

      Freedom and Devotion 1 rank 10 - summons will stay 24% longer and crate 3% more damage

      Howler's Call 3/5 rank 3 - good and very powerful shadow wolf what helps you out many times in battles and adds stun

      All together gives now 1010 resonance what Increases equipment base attributes by 50.50%

      You get also email and passwords with that account so you have full control over the Battlenet account.

      Also i have some other gems and 5070 Platinum and over 200 000 gold and other stuff, so you can improve more this good Necromancer or transfer it what ever class you want. Money and platinum increasing also every day!

      I will add more pictures here so you can see and read yourself what character have.

      Character now has wings ;)

      New updated Howlers call
      #1 Kohvinauding, 7/21/22
      Last edited: 7/26/22
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