Sold Diablo 3 ROS / SCII / WoW account

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by stillalive113, 6/19/14.

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  1. stillalive113

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    2100 euro
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    Hello everyone!

    This is not only a Diablo 3 account but a hole account.
    You can find games like:
    The Golden Star: Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls:
    Demon Hunter - level 70
    Barbarian - level 70
    Crusader - level 70
    Wizard - level 70
    Witch Doctor - level 70
    Monk - level 70
    Paragon level: 460 at the moment
    Maxed out professions: blacksmithing, jeweler crafting and mysticAchievement points: 4500Loaded chest with legendary items of all kinds and crafting materials.
    Screenshots: My Diablo 3 Character List Photo by Stillalive113 | Photobucket
    Link: Myra - Community - Diablo III
    World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
    Server: EmerissAchievement points: 6415
    Orc Warrior - level 90
    Undead Warlock - level 90Pandaren Monk - level 89
    Tauren Hunter - level 88
    Blood elf Paladin - level 81
    Orc Shaman - level 85Link: Leria @ Emeriss - Community - World of Warcraft
    Link: Jewelcrafting (371) Engineering (440) ...
    Pets & Mounts:
    Link: Mounts - Community - World of Warcraft
    Azure Cloud Serpent
    Cobalt Netherwing Drake
    Onyx Netherwing Drake
    Purple Netherwing Drake
    Dark Phoenix
    Imperial Quilen
    Time-Lost Proto-Drake
    Rivendare's Deathcharger
    Black War Bear
    Armored Brown Bear
    Black War Mammoth
    Kor'kron Annihilator
    Albino Drake
    Black Drake Mount
    ...and more.

    Star Craft II: Heart of the swarm (not a trial)
    In Hearthstone you can find almost all possible cards at the moment.
    There is rich variety of Epic, Rare, Common and Legendary cards.
    Screenshots: Hearthstone Cards Part Three Photo by Stillalive113 | Photobucket
    I am the one and only owner of this well fed account. I am in possession of all CD-keys, Passwords, E-mails, Secret question answers and game boxes. Which will be yours once we seal our deal. Also i will always be available should you need further assistance.

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    You may contact me in Skype: Vendetta123123 if you have any further questions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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