Diablo 3 RoS Cosmic Wings/3.5k SR Overwatch/WoW Legion

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by spawet4, 4/13/17.

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  1. spawet4

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    Hello, I am selling Bnet account with:

    1) Diablo 3 RoS:
    - Cosmic Wings
    - Paragon 280+ lvl
    - 70 Demon Hunter with Unhallowed Essence set and other legendary items
    - 70 Wizard with Firebird Set and almost fully completed Firebird Achron build
    - 70 lvl Crusader
    - couple of other 10-40 lvl characters
    - almost all s9 rewards
    - ~150 mil gold

    2) Overwatch:
    - Level 230+
    - Golden Genji Weapon
    - Exclusive items (including current uprising skins)
    - Noire Widowmaker
    - NOT Origins
    - Competitive ~3.5k SR (Season high 3.6k SR)
    - ~1.5k gold
    - a lot of items (around 100-200 loot boxes opened after purchasing them)

    3) WoW: Legion:
    - couple of high lvl characters, and maxed out skills

    Starting price: 350 USD (willing to go lower if you include other things instead of money)

    Willing to go first for reputable buyers. I will assist you with changing account's e-mail to yours.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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