Hey there I have a heroes of the storm account and more games on battle net that I want to sell here is the info of my account : 1.Heroes of the storm US region level 27 with 5 heroes unlocked (NOVA,Valla,Ilidan,Raynor,Zeratul) + rainbow pony mount + 10K gold ready to purchase 2.world of warCraft EU all expantions except WOD and frozen now no character (I just bought it ,IDK WHy ) 3 diablo 3 + ROS EU (collector ediotion preorder one + wings ) paragon level 407 heroes : female dh with 1.53 million raw dps - female wizard 940K raw dps - female crusader with 922K raw dps - male wizard 900K raw dps and male monk with 886K raw dps ) about 100 million gold Hearth stone US : 4 or 5 legend and priest class (I havent played much ) StarCraft II + HOTS both EU and US regions master league achived currently diamond in EU ( digital deluxe edition ) classic games : sc1+broodwar - wc3+ the frozen throne If u want the account skype me <<<<< matassadar >>>> or add me in steam <<<<< amin11price>>>>>