Sold DFO Account(Paladin, Summoner, Fstriker, DT, Seraph).

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LeCaprice, 2/1/19.

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  1. LeCaprice

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    2 characters ready for the future 95 cap(paladin and summoner).

    1) Paladin: one of the best supports(top 8 of all characters in KR atm) and best farmer in the game. She can sell anton/luke raids without any problem. Can't sell 2man beasts, because she is a burst character. I crafted gespens to maximize her burst potencial(did 12-13b+ damage with 2nd awak in hard luke).
    Main gear: 12/12 +12 Savior Triumph wep, 3/3 Beast accs with Nornil chants(+18 all ele), 5/5 Gespens(2 +10 amp), 3/3 Heblon, Rare avatar(got 2 top and 2 bottom pieces for main and sub plats), Max buff swap(missing 1 main plat, but got +2 title), 2/2 Sub passive plats, bis aura, bis title(+10% bonus damage), good pets, legendary insignia.
    Sub gear: Mana Vortex set for farm, sub + magic stone + accs with procs and Natural Guardian 4/5(i will craft the last piece in 1-2 days) for Luke sell.
    Lots of avatars(full inventory)

    2) Summoner: she is a synergy too(weaker buff compared to Paladin 25% / 20%, but she is stronger). Very easy and fun to play. She can sell luke raids.
    Main gear: 12/12 +12 Savior triumph wep, 3/3 Beast accs (2 amped), 5/5 Gespens(2 amped), 1/3 Heblon + 2 CiV, Rare avatar(got 2 top and 2 bottom pieces for main and sub plats), Max buff swap(Missing 2 main buff plats, but i got +3 title), bis aura, bis title(+10% bonus damage), good pets, legendary insignia.
    Sub gear: 5/5 Metal Line - best buff set for party (need upgrade for the last piece in arena)
    She also got some avas( 5-6 sets + some random cool things)

    3) Female Striker: she will be a good damage dealer soon(after balance patch). She can sell anton, idk about luke(never tried it).
    Main gear: 12/12 +12 Savior triumph wep, 3/3 infinity avarices accs(got enough resources for 1st beast acc), 5/5 Supercontinent, 3/3 Civ, Rare avatar(got 2 top and 2 bottom pieces for main and sub plats), Max buff swap(with 2 main plats and +2 title), bis title(+10% bonus damage), good pets, legendary insignia. And most importanly - Limited rare avatar(1st on global). It is very rare avatar atm(price ~ 200m+).
    Sub gear: 5/5 Metal Line - best buff set for party (need upgrade for the last piece in arena), Natural Guardian set 5/5.

    4) Dark Templar: good support + hold(she was created on jump server, and transferred later).
    Gear: 5/5 Metal Line and 170+ monoliums for upgrade to 7sins, 3/3 refined accs and 700+ pioneer's token(enough for 2 Beast accs), Dark star(90 lvl epic wep), Yang ull's twig(85 lvl epic support wep), +10% damage title, advanced avatar set.
    Bonus: cool looking limited ava pack.

    5) Seraph: she was created for arena. 21 valor and 17-18 crux.
    Valor: [​IMG]

    6,7,8,9... etc) Other chars:
    Blade Dancer - Savior's Zanbato, 3/3 ice princess, 6/6 echon set, advanced avatar, unique wild sheriff avatar(for global only), good pets.
    Alcyone - 90 epic wep, dusky set.
    Chaos - 85 epic wep(swap buff), gracia set, some random 90 lvl epics
    Pathfinder - 90 epic wep.
    Executioner - 90 epic wep.

    how to contact me: Discord Sharpshooter#9427
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  2. OP

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    Lowered price from 700 to 500$ cuz tired.
    #2 LeCaprice, 2/7/19
    Last edited: 2/7/19
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  3. OP

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    I gonna sell it to anyone who offer 300$(almost free...). Waiting last 2 days. If no one will buy it, then i will give my acc to friend.
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