Selling  Global  Android Developing whale account [NA] (SS valks, S rank, high potential)

Discussion in 'Honkai Impact Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by memezzz, 9/5/18.

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  1. memezzz

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    Selling my north America server honkai account because work is killing my time and I dont want my account going to waste.

    Activity: Been playing daily since I downloaded back in the beginning of July

    Capt Lvl: 62

    Notable Valkyries:

    Valkyrie Pledge: Rank SS
    Sakuno Rondo: Rank SS
    Lightning Empress: Rank S
    Snowy Sniper: Rank S
    Gyakushinn Miko: Rank S
    Wolfs Dawn: Rank S
    Valkyrie Triumph: Rank S
    Flame Sakitama: Rank S

    Notable Weapons:

    - Judah x2 (One only needs one more crystal for 5star, which I'll probably get to before this sells)
    - Ice Epiphyllum
    - Hyper Railgun
    - The Energy Leaper
    - Raikiri
    - Shamash Gun and Jizo sword

    Notable Stigma:

    - Schrodinger T
    - Rock Band Tesla T and B
    - Kepler T and B
    - Cleopatra T and M(x2)
    - Nohime B
    - Bunch of F2P 4star stigmas


    - Combined 1750+ crates of gold (About 80% are 1star though)
    - Complete Black Cat dorm furniture set
    - Theresa: Swimsuit and Sugar Haw Child outfit
    - Bronya: Swimsuit, Yamabuki Birthday outfit and Candy demon, Snowy Sniper carrot outfit
    Mei, Yae, Kianna, and Himeko: Swimsuits
    - Monthly card active for 29 days atm of writing this

    Story left to grind:

    Chapter 3: Supreme
    Chapter 4: Hard and Supreme
    Chapter5 and beyond: ALL

    Note from me: Like I said I've been playing daily and have almost everything from the moment I started playing, what I dont have is due to level locked content, also only thing I've been slacking on has been samsara.

    Message me if interested, serious inquiries only.

    Discord: Miku_Is_Mine#4764

    Price is partially #. Feel free to ask me about anything I didnt mention on this post. I will also show you proof of the account.
    #1 memezzz, 9/5/18
    Last edited: 9/5/18
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