[Detected] Simple Glow esp [Daily Update]

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gerassss, 9/15/17.

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  1. gerassss

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    Status: Undetected 9/8/2017
    As always, use at your own risk, THIS IS A PUBLIC # not a private #.
    1. Start CSGO
    2. Open the # when you are in a game, not in loading screens or main menu or your csgo will most likely crash.
    3. Press f9 to toggle the glow on or off (true or false)

    Glow ESP health based


    1. Is the # VAC undetected?
    This is a public # so it will be detected fast thats why you will use on your own risk like every other public #.

    2. How much time until detected?
    Only VAC knows that.

    3. Got VAC BANNED! Garbage #!
    Public # bro, what do you expect

    4. CSGO closes when i run with this #
    Fix: Download Driver Booster and update all of your drivers + follow the image with the second fix provided by a playerup user.
    5. Virus Detected!!!!!
    There's no virus, the # is packed with VMProtect and that's why your antivirus deletes your file, disable it and your browser antivirus.

    6. Works with Faceit Client or server side anti-#?
    I don't know / give a love you, it only directly supports VAC
    I won't offer any support for this so good luck helping each other.

    7. Corrupted archieve, can't open, deletes itself?
    Disable your antivirus

    Downloadable Files
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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