Hello all who read, i am an experienced destiny try hard willing to help get you some new gear or compete for you in trials! Listed as follows Destiny Services Avaiable: King's Fall Raid (normal) : $35 (hard) : $70 Touch of malice : $30 Exotic sword : $50 310 artifact : $30 Court of Oryx : Price Varies Nightfall : $10 Nightfall x2 : $15 Nightfall x3 : $20 Trials of Osiris: $30 Trials of Osiris x2: $60 Trials of Osiris x3: $90 For new players i can also help get you to level 40 with some sweet gear. Other services can be inquired about. Can be done through middle man but without middleman half of the payment will need to be paid upfront to ensure a successful transaction.