Selling  All Platforms  1-6 Hours Destiny 2: Beyond Light Trials ADEPT weapons god rolls

Discussion in 'Destiny 2 Items for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by alpharex, 12/19/20.

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  1. alpharex

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    Beyond Light Season of the Hunt Trials of Osiris recovs

    ADEPT weapons and ADEPT Mods

    Price - $160 for your desired god roll ADEPT weapon of that week
    Also includes all 3 characters flawless (3, 5, 7win and flawless chest rewards)

    24-36hr Guaranteed delivery

    Contact via discord

    Discord - nmn#4916

    Payment - Paypal fnf, Skrill, Bank acc transfer

    We also provide other Trials deals like
    Flawless on a single card - $15
    Flawless on all 3 characters (3 cards) - $40
    Flawless Seal - $140
    also farm tokens and other weapons like Eye of Sol Sniper, Astral Horizo Shotgun
    ping on discord to discuss

    I only play on pc, but if you're a console player, you can just make a steam account and cross save via and i'll do the recov for you.

    checkout the difference b/w normal overflow rampage summoner vs ADEPT summoner

    rolls dropped



    Price - $160 for your desired god roll ADEPT

    Discord - nmn#4916
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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