Hey! I’m selling my Destiny 2 account with all these items: Hunter - 743 Warlock- 703 Titan- 292 Guns-exotic Sweet business Sturm Vigilance wing Rat king MIDA multi-tool Crimson The jade rabbit Huckleberry Suros regime Cerberus+1 Malfeasance Ace of spades The chaperone The last word Arbalest Thorn Outbreak perfected Bad juju Cold heart Graviton lance Sky burners oath Sunshot Fighting lion Risk runner Hard light Merciless Borealis Prometheus lens Telesto Polaris lance Trinity Ghoul Lord of wolves The prospector Tractor cannon D.A.R.C.I Wardcliff coil The colony Worldline zero Sleeper simulant Whisper of the worm Two tailed fox Black talon The queens breaker Thunderlord Truth Guns- top tier Breakneck Horror story The ringing nail Age old bond Transfiguration Oxygen sr3 Vouchsafe The end Conspirator Redrixs broadsword Chattering none Bygones D.F.A Service revolver Wardens law Austringer Kindled orchid Trust Rose Luna’s howl Not forgotten Recluse The vow Tyranny of heaven Imperial decree Loaded question Techeun force The epicurean Tatar’s Gaze The long walk Silicon Neuroma The supremacy Beloved Sins of the past Apex predator Hammer head Avalanche Fixed odds There are many more legendaries, however, I do not find the rest to be relevant Includes all DLCs Many shaders, sparrows, emotes, ships ghost shells ornaments and so many more weapons and armor. All hunter subclass paths unlocked and maxed