Selling  Destiny 1 & 2 Account (Both Max Light). Quitting playstation. View details below

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by SaintChuy, 8/13/18.

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  1. SaintChuy

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    This account is very personal to me as it was my brother's and then passed on to me. I have not came up with a price for this account because it is considered priceless to me and yes that statement may be debatable but I spent countless hours not just on Destiny but on other games as well as a lot of money on the games and on micro transactions. Some of these games include GTA5, BO3, MW2, BO2, Borderlands 2, Warframe, etc. I wanna sell this account as a Destiny account, especially Destiny 1, because I believe that is where the account is worth the most. If you are interested in buying the account please try to hit me up on Discord. I will be taking the highest offer for this account.

    PSN - Saint23Chuy
    Discord - Saint23Chuy#0625
    Payment method preferred - Paypal

    Games Purchased on Digital (PS4)
    - R6 Siege Year 2 Gold Edition
    - Minecraft.. with skins
    - Borderlands Handsome Collection
    - Black Ops 3 with Zombie Chronicles
    - infinite Warfare
    - Call of Duty Remastered
    - Battlefront 2 Deluxe Edition
    - Destiny 2 with DLC 1 & 2
    - Gang Beast
    - GTA 5 with modded outfits and vehicles. Every property owned except for Yacht
    - Fifa 18
    - and more including countless PSN plus games.

    Destiny 1 (POPULAR) Year 1 Weapons
    - Matador [Crowd Control, Kneepads, Reinforced, Aggressive] Personal Favorite
    - Messenger Personal Favorite
    - Timur's Lash [Final Round, Luck, Rifled or Explosive] Personal Favorite
    - Her Benevolence [Hidden Hand, Replenish, Quickdraw] Obtainable Personal Favorite
    - Efrideet's Spear [Hidden Hand, Replenish, Quickdraw] Personal Favorite
    - VOG Sniper Obtainable
    - Astral Horizon
    - (2) BTRD-345 [Counterbalance, Rangefinder, Quickdraw] .. [Battlerunner, Crowd Control]
    - (2) Radegast's Fury [Tracking, Clown Cartridge] .. [tripod, Horseshoes]
    - (2) Jewel of Osiris
    - 55A-allFATE [Reactive, Feeding Frenzy]
    - Ill Will [Unrolled] Obtainable
    - NA3D1 Salvation State [Icarus, Crowd Control, Explosive]
    - Vindicator XI [Crowd Control, Counterbalance, Rifled] Personal Favorite
    - Loner Rebel [Icarus, Hidden Hand] Obtainable Personal Favorite
    - The Summoner Adept
    - Tomorrow's Answer
    - Prestige IV [Bad Roll]
    - Shadow of Veils
    - Hopscotch Pilgrim [Bad Roll] Obtainable
    - Vision of Confluence Obtainable
    - All Year 1 Exotic Handcannons... Personal Favorite
    - NLB Personal Favorite
    - Pocket Infinity Personal Favorite
    - Vex Mythoclast
    - Suros Regime
    - Mida Multi Tool Personal Favorite
    - Red Death
    - Every Other Y1 Exotics Deleted but Unlocked
    - Every Year 1 Trials Weapon Except for Scout Rifle ( Name Unknown)

    Destiny 1 (GOD ROLL) Year 2/3 Weapons.. Not including Heavies
    - Eyasluna [Rangefinder, Rifled, Luck, Sureshot] Personal Favorite
    - (4)Madator [ .. Every Possible God Roll Except for Rangefinder, Full Auto] Personal Favorite
    - Hawksaw [ Vendor Roll] Personal Favorite
    - (2)Palindrome [ rangefinder, Icarus] .. [ Hidden hand, Icarus] Personal Favorite
    - Doctrine of Passing Adept [ Persistence, Counter, Brace Frame]
    - (3) Ill Will [Range, Luck] .. [Outlaw, Reactive Reload]
    - (2) Longbow [ Hidden Hand, Injection, Shortgaze] .. [ Hidden Hand, Quickdraw, Shortgaze]
    - Bitter Edge [ Hidden Hand, Quickdraw, Shortgaze]
    - Hopscotch [Counter, Brace, Full Auto]
    - Colovance's Duty [ Crowd Control, Perfect, Hidden Hand]
    - Suros DIS-43 [ Counter, Perfect, Hand Laid]
    - LDR [ Hidden Hand, Quickdraw, Longview]
    - The Vacancy [ Hot Swap, Brace Frame, Rangefinder] Personal Favorite
    - Penthesilea-C [ Rangefinder, Battlerunner]
    - (2)Clever Dragon
    - Aegis of the Reef
    - The Continental [Crowd, Perfect, Hidden hand]
    - Each y1 & y2 trials weapon including all primaries and special weapons..

    Destiny 1 (Popular) Emblems
    - Sign of Opposing Will Personal Favorite
    - 7-7 Ad Infinitum Obtainable Online
    - Eye of osiris
    - Laurea Prima Personal Favorite
    - Sign of the Elders Personal Favorite
    - Sign of the Founders
    - Union of Light Obtainable Online
    - Vanguard Honor
    - Rising Light
    - All trials emblems unlocked except for Hic Jacet

    Destiny 2 Details
    - All D1 Veteran Emblems.. no other rare emblems
    - Redrix's Claymore with the Ornament. Personal Favorite
    - Every Armor Exotic Unlocked
    - All but 3 Exotic Weapons unlocked
    - All faction catalyst unlocked
    - Almost all weapon catalyst unlocked
    - Multiple Armor and Weapon ornaments unlocked
    - Few Osiris armor ornaments unlocked including trials
    - 98% year 1 legendary weapons unlocked on
    - Full Solstice armor set for hunter unlocked
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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