- 7.8m MSF account, 1.2k TCP account - 20mm gold stashed and 130 Ultimus orbs saved (when rework comes) - investments in all the right # teams for an immediate contribution in a top 15 TCP alliance: 400k+: Asgard, X-men, F4, BKT, Chield 350k+: Black Order, Supernatural, SSM-verse 300k+: BH2, PA2, IH, AIM, Marauders, defenders 260k+: Hydra, Mercenaries - 65 x 5RS, 14 x 6RS (including BlackBolt, Phoenix, Cyclops, Corvus Glaive, Minnerva, Human Torch) - G14s: Phoenix, Cyclops, Ultron, Fury, Hela, Thor, Minnerva, Black Bolt, Sif, SSM - DD3 process - near completion for first run (node 14) - Raid team is suitable at running U7 difficulty 4 onwards - top 10 Arena finish daily Hit me on discord (jaylikesbeef#1159) for photos/details!