Sup guys, I am looking to sell or trade this Defiance Digital Delux version account. Comes with a DLC season pack and has Ekaru Predator social. 1. Has most skill levels maxed (20) except Sawed off shotgun (17) and BMG (5) - see screenshots below, 2. Has EGO 3400 with all the best perks fully upgraded (you can reperk it anyway if you would disagree), 3. Has 3 legendary weapons, assaultrifle, sniperrifle and shotgun, rest is not worth mentioning. Looking to sell, not quite sure about the price or trade if you have any Anarchy Online or TSW credits lying around. PM me! Bump, Euro 60 for the account or AO/TSW credits.. Who wants this account? Hello, are you interested by a diablo 3 account for this? Hm, not too fond of Diablo 3, sorry Multipass? Got an idea on a price? I'd like 60 Euro for it, Paypal (gift). OK thanks Bump. 40