Sold Deck Heroes [EU] LV. 107 ACCOUNT

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by snockz, 2/12/19.

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  1. snockz

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    My Location:
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    Server- EU/Android.
    Screenshots Upon Request (LINE-ID: snockz).

    TOP 400 Tournament Deck // #4 Arena.

    Gems- 5.725 (+8 Days of VIP = 6.525).
    Momoya- 890 Points Plus/ 43 white vouchers.
    Easily Beat all 5 Star Grimore Challenges.
    Gold or Higher in Deck Duels.

    Heroes 5-Star:
    Spirit Arbiter 7. - Protection 9/Lucidity/Divine Shield.
    Vile Songstress 4. - Protection 9/Mass Charm/Lucidity.
    Armageddon 6. - Protection 7 / Cripple 10 / Group Tactics.
    Judgement 7. - Protection 9 / Lightfoot 8 / Rejuvenate 8.
    Warlock 5. - Battlecry 5 / Berserk 8 / War Hungry 8.
    Captivator 4. - Protection 6 / Frostdance / Divine Shield.
    Overlord 3. - Mortii-Vitality 5 / Five-On-It 3 / Deathcloud 4.
    Oceanus 5. - Protection 9 / Frostdance / Lightfoot 10.

    Captivator 2.
    Warlock 1.
    Thor 1.
    Judgement 1.
    Blademaster 3.

    Heroes 4-Star:
    Berserker 10.
    Weight 9. (+3x lv. 1)
    Paw Master 8.
    Royal Guard 7. (+3x lv. 1)
    Dragonrider 7. /+3x lv. 1)
    Deathmort 5. (+3x lv. 1)
    Devil Hunter 7. (+4x. lv 1)
    Predator 5. (+3x lv. 1)

    Important Creatures - Only Listing Important 5 Stars.


    1x lv 15 Aquarius with 30% Rec 2. (Runes = Vitality 5 Lv. 5 / Protean 4 Lv. 7 / Diamonddust 5 Lv. 9)
    1x lv 15 Aquarius
    1x lv 10 Cancer with 45% Sacrifice 8 and 48/50 Shards
    1x lv 15 Paragon Immunity 9. (Runes = Vitality 5 Lv. 5/Immunity 5 Lv. 6/ Torment Lv. 9)
    1x lv 15 Mythril Drone with Revive meld.
    1x lv 15 Mythril Drone with Rec 2 meld.
    1x lv 10 Bewitcher.
    1x lv 15 Angel Prime with Imuunity 8 meld.
    2x lv 15 Titania with Battleblow 8 meld
    1x lv 15 Titania with 100% Battleblow 8
    Many Other 5 stars.


    1x lv 15 DragonLord with Rec 2 meld.
    2x lv 15 Hanuman melded with S Instakill.
    1x lv 15 Ash Beast melded with Frost Blade.
    1x lv 15 Ash Beast melded with Frost Armor 5.
    1x lv 15 Ash Beast 30% Battleblow 8.
    1x lv 15 Yggdryad with 100% Immunity 7.
    1x lv 15 Orphelia.
    1x lv 15 Forest Sage.
    1x lv 10 Blossoms.
    2x lv 10 Sea Wizard.
    Many Other 5 stars.


    1x lv 15 Dragon Lancer with Magma Breath 6.
    1x lv 10 Easter Bunny.
    1x lv 15 Kumiho.
    1x lv 15 Scorpio with 30% Imunnity 7
    3x lv 15 Anathemas with Frost Armor 5.
    1x lv 15 Nidhogg with 90% Forts Armor 5
    1x lv 15 Quetzalcoatl with 75% S Instakill
    2x lv 10 Yeti
    1x lv 10 Venom Tyrant for Cancer meld.
    1x lv 15 Ridge Hunter with Immunity 9.
    1x lv 15 Sacred Wolf
    1x lv 15 Lava Wyrm
    Many Other 5 stars.


    1x lv 15 Octavius with Rec 2.
    1x lv 15 Snow Harlot.
    1x lv 10 Gemini
    1x lv 15 Deaths Angle with 90% S Instakill.
    1x lv 15 Killer Queen with 100% Stoneskin.
    2x lv 10 Lilith.
    2x lv 10 Magmus.
    1x lv 15 Undying Will with 100% S Instakill.
    1x lv 15 Undying Will with S Disposal.
    1x lv 15 Spirit Siren with S Resurrect.
    1x lv 15 Spirit Siren with D Resurrect.
    1x lv 15 Spirit Siren with S Disposal.
    2x lv 15 Terror Dragon with Frost Armor 5.
    1x lv 10 Tomb Raider.
    1x lv 15 Phantom Liege with 97,5% Immunity 7.
    1x lv 15 Bad Fencer.
    1x lv 15 Gorgone with S Instakill.
    1x lv 15 Terror Dragon with 90% Frost Armor 6.
    1x lv 10 Pisces.
    1x lv 10 Lord Bones.

    Notable 4 star Creatures.

    6x lv 15 Queen Temptress melded with Retreat.
    1x lv 15 Graboid with Sac 8 Meld.
    1x lv 15 Hellwolf S Disposal Meld.
    3x lv 15 Horned Beast with Recycle 1 Meld.
    5x lv 15 Oracles with Frost Armor 5 Meld for Grimore.
    Many Other 4 star crits with Melds for Guild Battles.

    Equipment : Lv5 Plankwalker Staff-Purple /Lv5 Silverhelmet-Purple/Lv5 Thorium Armor-Purple /Lv5 Dragonhide Gloves-Purple/Lv5 Silverboots-Gold/Lv5 Silverbelt-Gold.

    Increased Critical Rate of all Creatures by 17,55%
    Increased Critical Resist of all Creatures by 19,66%
    Increased Hit Rate of all Creatures by 12,59%
    Increased Dodge of all Creatures by 21,61%
    Increased ATK of all Creatures by 74.
    Increased Skill Potency of all creatures by 36,70%
    Increased Resist of all Creatures by 21,17% (Effective against Hero Talents and Skills)

    Important Runes:

    Concealed Strike Rune V Lv 10.
    1x Diamonddust V Rune Lv. 9.

    4x Innitial Rage V Lv 7/4/1/1.
    1x Torment Rune V lv 9.
    2x Sacrifice Rune Lv 4/3.
    2x Protean Rune V Lv 8/7.
    19x Vitality Rune V Lv 1-8.
    7x Violence Rune V Lv 5-8.
    Hero Vigor V Lv 6-8. Multiple Runes.
    1x Immunity V Rune Lv 6.
    3x Haste Runes Lv 6/1/1.
    Sorcery Runes Lv 5.
    MANY OTHER Lv 5-9 Runes that are 4-5 Star.Heroes 5-Star:
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