Selling  Average Deck Heroes Account For Sale , 50 euros

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kokorikia, 2/18/18.

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  1. kokorikia

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    Selling Deck heroes account.
    Best attributes: 1x Octavious with assasinate evolve skill
    2x Aqua
    1x Capricorn with sac 1
    1x Mimir Tree melded with Recycle 2
    1x Spirit Siren melded with Revive
    1x Oinari
    1x Libra (45% frostblade10)
    2x QueenT with retreat
    1x Archdeva
    2x Horned Beast with Recycle1
    1x Gemini
    1x Killer Queen
    1x Sacred Wolf
    1x Lady Bloom
    1x Mythril Dron (45% revive) and many many other op creatures

    Gems after all bond rebates will be 45-50k gems
    Lucky point are 12.500
    Level 5* heroes i have only SA, but she is level 5 , almost 6 (prot9/lucidity/mass charm)
    many 5* runes both hero and creature.
    Price is not # its alrdy low enough . 50 eu . Payment can be either by paypal or with google play cards.
    People that are willing to pay by google play card will be prefered.
    my line id is kokorikia , and i am currently at Knights of Legend Guild
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