Sold Decent Level 77 account with 25+ Mythics

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MonsterNewb, 1/24/21.

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  1. MonsterNewb

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    My Location:
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    Account Details:

    - Currently at 3799 PVP trophies (may change)
    - Level 77
    - 965 Adventure Map stars
    - 115 unique monsters
    - 10 Islands unlocked

    Resources (may change when collecting gold, food, and other things):
    - 61.9m gold
    - 2.72m food
    - 52 gems
    - Tons of Diamond relics
    - Tons of Runes
    - 75 Elite Soul
    - 70 Nemesis Soul
    - 30 Forsaken Soul

    - Rank 3 lvl 120 Letalis
    - Rank 3 lvl 120 Armor Claw
    - Rank 3 lvl 110 Firustar
    - Rank 2 lvl 120 Zuperfox
    - Rank 2 lvl 120 Steamwrath
    - Rank 2 lvl 120 Cryocrawler
    - Rank 2 lvl 120 Lord Platypus
    - Rank 2 lvl 120 Fract-#
    - Rank 1.5 lvl 115 Arobat
    - Rank 1 lvl 110 Bombeta
    - Rank 1 lvl 110 Chuckle Muckle
    - Rank 1 lvl 110 Lazarbeam2099
    - Rank 1 lvl 110 Krampus the Killjoy
    - Rank 1 lvl 110 Erder
    - Unranked lvl 100 Ophiuchus the Zodiac
    - Unranked lvl 100 Nahane
    - Unranked lvl 100 Roost Waine
    - Unranked lvl 100 Noahgnarok
    - Unranked lvl 100 The Dreamer
    - Unranked lvl 60 Tayni
    - Unranked lvl 50 Calamedic
    - Unranked lvl 50 Vishamah
    - Unranked lvl 50 Spawny
    - Unranked lvl 50 Anton Acosmic
    - Unranked lvl 50 Spitfire
    - Unranked lvl 50 Bingxen
    - Unranked lvl 50 Chimaney
    - Unranked lvl 50 Mr. Beast
    - Unranked lvl 50 Dr. Wattz
    - Unranked lvl 50 Moonhaze
    - Unhatched lvl 0 Dratis

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to message me here or discord @ BallzLife#2785

    View attachment 1029295 IMG_1857.PNG

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    #1 MonsterNewb, 1/24/21
    Last edited: 1/25/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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