Sold Death Knight New Class NA SuperAcc, End of an Era/89 Collection/16525 Dust/1785 Gold

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mosferh, 3/24/23.

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  1. Mosferh

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    My life is changing and I no longer have time to play the game I love, Hearthstone. I hope someone can enjoy it as much as I have these last 7 years.

    My account can go toe-to-toe with the top 1% of players in the game, and I have hit Legend many a month.

    I have played Hearthstone since Curse of Naxxramas, April 7, 2015 .

    I have saved up 16525 Dust with 36k more available if you disenchant duplicate cards. # decks are 5k-20k Dust, so you have plenty of opportunity to play whatever style you enjoy. I have most key Legendary cards (worth 1600 Dust) so to create a deck will be less than 20k Dust. I have a strong collection to compete in Standard, Wild, or Duels. Also I have 10 Duels/Arena Tickets for free entry. And 2 unopened packs to kick you off!

    I have some unique Hero portraits such as Arthas, Tyrande, and over half of the Rewards Track special portraits.

    My account has 23 Golden Legendaries!

    I have also played Battlegrounds and Mercenaries. Both are free-to-play and replayable so you should be able to jump right in from the start if you like. Or continue the Mercenaries game from where I took a break, with some high-level characters but no recent releases.

    I am not an achievement hunter but nonetheless completed a lot for fun. There are plenty more left to do also!

    Conta me for more information by discord:Siyehk#4978



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  2. justsomeguyhere

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    I'm interested hmu
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