Sold Dead Zone Recruiting

Discussion in 'Puzzles & Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Traditional_Baby_545, 3/14/24.

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  1. /u/Traditional_Baby_545

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    S564 Dead Mess (aka The Dead Zone) looking for active members to join our beloved family. We are 4 alliances strong and looking for active friendly players. One of our 4 alliances is sure to have something for you and we encourage you to apply... message Highlander(DME) or iamkristi (dme sub) or Abby Love R.I.P (DMG) or Kristi Loves Abby (DMF) for more details . You should be an active player in the game...daily activity requested *(this does not mean 24/7). However, we understand life comes first and accommodate time away from the game so long as members contact leadership. You must follow and respect our internal and state rules. We are a friendly multinational group of alliances/family that likes teamwork, unity and the social aspect of the game. We have a good mix of Americans, Asians and Europeans members, among all our members from around the world. Our desire is to have a lot of fun together! We have a state with other alliances that place a high value on things like justice, kindness, courtesy, and teamwork. OUR GOΛLS ●Achieve the best possible results in events ●Have a nice safe community and have fun together ●Help each other develop both individually and as a joint, active and strong alliance ●Contribute to the community we have in the state WΞ CΛN OFFΞR We have no drama Our alliances have state nap and respect throughout the state We have active discord channels for each alliance, and leadership can send messages across discord servers. We have a growing website with important information like the schedule for alliance events, tile reset time, game info, and tips and tricks. We are active and participate in events We have a friendly and competitive environment We live by the code that Real Life comes first, always Being active doesn't mean you need to be logged in 24/7 We will support on improving your gameplay, stats, puzzles, etc. We send out daily mails regarding tips, events and game support We have a very good and organized structure and orderly guidelines We have a mix of small and large sanctuaries...and beginning and highly knowledgeable players. Our state is multinational mix with Americans, Japanese, and Koreans, to name a few. The state works very well together and we have a governing council of the strongest alliances, who work to keep the state running strong. While the council makes rules for NAP, tile gathering, and accidental in-state attacks, it also recognizes that negotiations between players and alliances come first. We have NAP for the state that all are welcome to join (based on WK participation requirements). We also have several strong and balanced players who work as guardians of the state.

    State council Full State NAP Discord state/alliance servers Uncomplicated WK plans Strong WK state-wide teamwork Dedicated WK alliance Top 10 alliances rotate planning and leading of WK Host alliances chose the Governor No shield ever needed (other than Valiant Conquest)

    # #/Traditional_Baby_545
    . .
    #1 /u/Traditional_Baby_545, 3/14/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/16/24
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