Selling  Average Dead frontier 2 account for sale // account lvling // event grinding

Discussion in 'Dead Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xXxJoshuaxXx, 12/15/23.

  1. xXxJoshuaxXx

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    Selling an account with 62 mil + worth of items, prestige 4 char, prestige 2 char, prestige 1 char, 2 slot expansions, gold membership for about a year and 11 mil worth of in game cash( likely to change due to buying and selling items). I have a tombstone, reapers, fatman enforcer, hanged mans mask, freight mask, and a comers business suit for my expensive uniques ( event items non-tradable except for comers business suit I got from opening a unique chest). I also have some elite gears ( gloves, shoes , pants , shotgun, chainsaw stat stick) worth about 600k- 1 mil + range I use. I am also likely to grind out the Christmas event for even more uniques to add to my collection. I am looking for about $360+ for my account ( plz make fair offer ; i'm likely to keep some of the in game cash for my main account).

    I am offering character lvling / prestiging services ( I log into your account and lvl your character. I'll likely give some gears to help boost lvling process.) I can likely get anywhere from 325k-1.5 mil + xp per hour depending on lvl , gears. and skills ( lvl 30+ preferably). I would like about $9+ an hour , I will most likely be doing purple zones to obtain this xp and it varies depending on which ones spawn.

    I am also offering event grinding services so you can get the event uniques. It would be preferable if you have at least 1 lvl 50 character, and good gears to go along with it. I will likely not offer good gears to help this process because higher end gears are expensive and pretty hard to obtain. I might offer 1 of my characters gears to help, but I cannot guarantee it if someone else has already obtained my gears. I would like about $12.50 an hour because I am sacrificing not doing events on at least one of my accounts.
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  2. muhbintang

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