DCUO Lifetime Account on USPC

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    I am looking to buy a lifetime account on the US PC server. Send a list of the number of characters and CR for each. Please include screen shots of main character stats as well as character selection screen. Also include a screen shot of your Sony Station "DC Universe Online Membership Details" to show Lifetime status. The account does not have to be fully gear characters, or tons of cash, but must be a lifetime account cause I can always level them.

    I am not gonna shell out like $400 for an account, so don't waste my time and yours. I will use a middleman service here on and I will cover the cost. Payment will be through Paypal.

    I don't Skype, so don't ask. Just send me a PM here.


    i have a dcuo Lifetime account. ive had it since launch. I have only one main toon,handblast-fire. level 30,cr 92. let me know what you want to spend on it, ty

    I sent you a PM but never heard back from you. Was just wondering if you were still trying to get rid of your account
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