Selling DB EU Server - 6 U. Trans. 2 Max, 1 Base.

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SirKayn, 11/10/17.

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  1. SirKayn

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    Hey there, i thought about selling my DB account since i don't have much time to play the game anymore, the account as it currently stands, is one of the Top PvP EU accounts, and its also ranking quite high in World Bosses due to Triple cards being very good. I'll provide you some information below and if you have any questions you can email me or add me on Discord.

    (9) Transcended + Triple cards on them:
    U. T.Shadow Howl
    - (Str Vary Boss)
    U. T.Margaret - (Int Speed Base)
    U. T.Lucienne - (Dex Vary Boss)
    U. T.Windlune - (Dex Base Vary)
    U. T.Manalandy - (Sta Speed Base)
    U. T.Drunken Falcon (Sta Speed Base)
    Max T.Blackaria
    Max T.Mikaela
    Base T.Kymael

    (8) Keys - 7 Ulti

    Ultimates: Helios, Askr, Iota, Thanatos, Omega, Epsilon, Tiehr

    11 Deifies (mostly rogues, paladins, priests)

    Resources Currently in the Account:

    563 Mil Gold
    3500 Rubies
    24600 Friend Points
    2200 Coins

    Goodies In the Account:

    Bloodly Jay Costume (3 pieces of the Set for Paladin)
    1. (Has quite a few Starry Gems (equipped and in stash, cant really provide accurate number)
    2. 1 Full Page of Very Useful Triple Cards (similar to the ones on Ultimate Allies up above)
    3. 117-120 SSS Gears on most allies (Just started farming CH.4 U Rag and already have some good Pieces)
    4. 3 Golden Knight Brooches (Best P2W Accessories Currently in the game)

    Character Lvls - Paladin/Rogue Lv120, the rest around lv 100.

    Guild - Currently play in a Solo Guild for Guild Loot --> 1850 Ruby Income Weekly for clearing all castles alone.
    ToV - Currently on Stage 19
    Clear Nightmare every week easily cause of the PvP Ultimate Transcended. (give it a few tries, always doable its still all RNG)

    Any other information you that you might need, send me an email to - [email protected]
    And i will provide my Discord when i reply back.

    Please note, that the - Resources Currently in the Account - CAN be diferent because i would use gold for making more Gears, Farming Essences Etc. (Make account better than it currently is)

    Price: 750$

    Or Give me a Nice Offer and i will consider it. (Price taken into consideration with other sellers which would be same as well as would be a Bonus 300$ worth P2W accessories.)

    Can use Middleman Services.
    Prefer Paypal.
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