Selling DayZ SA - Base Raiding/gear service!

Discussion in 'DayZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ThePaidAssassin, 10/2/19.

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  1. ThePaidAssassin

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    The only DayZ Gear Service you will need!

    The following prices may be subject to change depending on a few factors. You will always be quoted your price before the beginning of the service.

    Services Offered:​

    Base Raiding Service: I will break in and open up a way for you to get into any base you want. I will protect you when you are looting however once you leave I will not protect you in the wild!

    Money/Loot Service: If you just want some loot or money I can also do that, there will be a flat fee for this service so make sure you get your moneys worth!

    Assassination: Fed up of someone on your server? Or want your loot back? Call me to take them out for you. (Only if you are able to provide a rough location of the player.)

    I can do almost everything in this game so if you require anything else please let me know and I can quote you up a price!

    Base Raiding
    - £15 - Potentially more if its a large scale base with multiple people active inside.
    Money/Loot Service - £10 - Flat fee is £10, if its a super large order it may be more.
    Assassination - £2-5 - Depends how loose the location information is and if you want me to guard their loot until you arrive.
    As previously stated, if you require any other service just let me know and I'll get you priced up.

    Please contact me on discord, that will be where you receive the fastest response!
    Discord: Wingboy#7214

    Of course I'd be more than happy to give a vouch copy away to a trusted/staff member!

    Thanks people, look forward to working with you all!
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