Looking to either trade or sell my Xbox One Day 1 Destiny account for a PlayStation one. 3 Characters all level 40, Titan 306, Warlock 295, Hunter 296 Higher with transfer of weapons Very summarised list of what I have; - Black Spindle 303 - Touch of Malice 310 - No time to explain 290 - Sleeper Simulant 294 - Raze Lighter 310 - Telesto 310 - Red Death 308 - Vex Mythoclast - Max Gjallarhorn Full raid gear on Titan VoG, Crota, Oryx (except arms, using Immolation Fists, best Sunbreaker exotic) I short, everything you ever wanted. I'm looking to transfer to PSN and no longer need the account. The value of this account vastly outweighs that of a basic PSN account with TTK. I am the original account owner and have been for 7 years. 10,000+ Gamerscore + Games and DLC that come with it If interested email me at [email protected]