Selling Day 0 Fortnite acc

Discussion in 'Fortnite OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by General Forums &, 4/24/20.

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  1. General Forums &

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    It has all the battlepazzes until season 9 which is when I quit. I have the upgrade packs so the Nocturno is on there. I littetally supported the game from the beginning for it only to constantly love you on me, rereleasing crackshot, rereleasing grave digger and Bloodfinder ac. i'm littetally done w fortnite and I have been for a while. I preordered it. It was 164, then the upgrade pack so 264, then the amount of vbucks (aprox) 150. So trying to sell for the value of the account. Let me know passed 300. CASHAPP ONLY I don't have paypal or venmo just cashapp
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