I want to sell my account(Datkness Rises) Server is ((((US)))) Main hero is archer 24 mil cp . All gear is s++ lvl 70 . 2 gear refine 15 pvp rank 10 and 2 more pve rank 9 refine 13 and refine 12 and one more is pvp rank 9 refine 10.all accessory is lvl 70 and 4 more rank 9 one more rank 10 (4 more refine 10 and one more refine 12) All rune and jewel and custume jewel is s++. All magic is rank(s) All Custume s++ (2more is lvl 70 one more lvl66 and 1 more lvl 64). 2 more hero is 10 mil cp and 2 more hero is 8 or 9 mil cp. The account has many gear that need to be lvl up . I do not put a price on this account. Purchases are #, but price fair. Cantact me : discord : ((amirfcb#6270))