I got scammed by an old friend of mine that I thought was trustable ahahahahahahaha. His name is shellay on forums and his emails or w.e Brandon Mullaly says yo kochelle says hi Brandon Mullaly says soo how we gonna do this I alrdy got scammed out of one account xdddd my alt DG acc kochelle says lol when ever i trade with some1 they always say that they got scammed before. Brandon Mullaly says And euros site is really laggyxd Welll man Remember the account BRazil_Boy95 ?? my alt donor acc way back in the day Lol kochelle says yea Brandon Mullaly says thats the account i originally put up To trade and i got ****ed over xd causei was stoned but i still got this one so kochelle says welll u know me for awhile and u know i'm not a scammer. Brandon Mullaly says Im not either xd I just want a euro acc xd and um it takes so long for the euro website to load for me to change info damnn kochelle says its actually better then before yesterday it took me 4 min for the page to come up now its fast. Brandon Mullaly says wellll Its not fast for me lOL kochelle says i can change the info for you if u want Brandon Mullaly says um okay BUt change the email to the one ill tell you and send the info changer to my email and ill change it all kk kochelle says yea i know i have to change the e-mail under yours. Brandon Mullaly says yea Im gonna make a new email kochelle says make it .live not .hotmail cuz hotmail sometimes dont work in eurogunz website Brandon Mullaly says kk Email : okay wellll Ill give u my user ID and pass and u give me urs > ? sec food kk So u there ?? kochelle says soz back now was afk Brandon Mullaly says Okay Here User ID : Brandonmullaly Pass : 21202032120203 kochelle says but in darkgunz dont u have to put the e-mail under my ? Brandon Mullaly says Yes I willll change it to ur email too when u changes urs so whats the user ID and pass to euro account ? So I can see it kochelle says wait i'm check the info is right or not Brandon Mullaly says It is right ? ? kochelle says yea Brandon Mullaly says So whats ur ID and pass ? kochelle says why would u want my id and pass? Brandon Mullaly says Fpr the euro account ??? kochelle says ye but i have to change it to urs e-mail what e-mail u want it to be in? Brandon Mullaly says Can you telll me the info now tho so i can go on it to look at it and then change the email to mine and send the change info email to me kochelle says what we can do is that u send me the edit link and ill send u mine? Brandon Mullaly says You didnt even let me go on the account yet ? I gave u the info u give me info too ? lol Dude ? can I have info ??? kochelle says look Brandon Mullaly says ????/ I gave u the info Why wont u give me info kochelle says once i get the e-mail and ill give u the info and then put it under ur e-mail Brandon Mullaly says Dude what the ****k ?? I gave u the info and u didnt give me anything ??? Im not going first We need to get a middle man im changing pass Im going to get a trusted MM from gzp You have just sent a nudge. kochelle says ok get a MM so we can do the trade/ Brandon Mullaly says Okay Because i let u look at the account and u didnt ?? weirdd hey man I got a Middle man aight ??? You have just sent a nudge. kochelle says ok whats his name on the forum Brandon Mullaly says I dont know anyone on gzp I just got someone kochelle says lmao bs Brandon Mullaly says ? kochelle says got a frnd so he can change and give me nothing either bring a mm from gzp Brandon Mullaly says Well look If u are actually Dalllay from DG u were my friend So I know u wont scam me So look what email u want it changed too ?? kochelle says this one. Brandon Mullaly says Okay So u will