Selling  PS4  Knight  50-100 Wins   Original Owner (Yes) DARK KNIGHT, MAKO, SEASON1-5 EXCLUSIVES, 100 WINS FOR CHEAP

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Boulet, 7/29/21.

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  1. Boulet

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    I’m just trying to get rid of this account it has 50+ skins dark knight mako and much more most of them OG or rare as I only played the game seasons 1-5 having the battle passes as well. 100 wins. Full access. As of now it’s only linkable to PSN and switch. Once payment is done you can unlink the Xbox account and contact epic and link it to ur Xbox (if that’s what u purchase for) it has a bunch of rare emotes as well. Easily worth 500$ But selling way cheaper and you won’t find a better deal anywhere as I’m just trying to get rid of it. PM me to buy
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