Selling  Daoc Eden Server Loaded account over 8 Fully Temped ready to go toons LGM Alch all three realms

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gloatedtexan, 4/2/23.

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  1. Gloatedtexan

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    Hi im looking to sell my account, i put alot of time into it at the start.

    LGM- Alchemist Mid
    LGM- Alchemist Hib
    LGM- Alchemist Alb
    LGM- Fletcher mid

    Mid toons are:

    RR3LX Bondedancer fully temped
    RR3LX Shadowblade fully temped
    RR3LX Hunter Fully temped
    RR3LX Shaman Fully temped

    Albion toons are

    RR3LX Cabby fully temped
    RR3Lx Inf Fully temped
    RR3LX Scout Fully temped
    RR3LX Reaver Fully temped
    RR3lX Friar Fully temped

    Hib has a 40+ Druid/Men/Ns

    No low ball
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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