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      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      WTB Mid Ywain SB or Hunter

      Account Information
      Im looking for an high rank sb or hunter i can also consider a trade with my ranger 10l8 tnx

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      WTB DAOC Uthgard lvl 50

      Account Information
      Uthgard freeshard daoc... WTB a level 45+ on albion realm... pm me or post here...

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Trading workign radar for eden account ( 1 2)

      Account Information
      Trading a working radar on Eden, and other shards for an Eden account post or msg me with with the account has / comes with Radar works perfectly and will show in game if need be Pics

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Uthgard [WTT] Hib -> Mid

      Account Information
      Offer in Hib: Platins Staff of Tal'Esh Full Hero/Ranger Template Template items Need in Mid: Platins Staff of Tal'Esh or Dragonfury or kickass Jewellery Skald/Shaman Template Template items Pm me, if you are interested.

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Wts rr5 scout

      Account Information
      rr5 ml 10 cl 10. I will not be playing my scout anymore. I sold off the jewl. etc in template so it will need to be redone or I can email the template so You can rebuy the items needed. Its a solid cheap temp with scalebought items + astral l. Account also has a rr1 reaver and a rr3 level 46 inf. I am looking for about 150 plats for this. Account is open until the 7th september. I am original owner and have sw.

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Selling Eden Account *TOP*

      Account Information
      Hey guys, selling my Eden freeshard account. - rr10+ - VIP lifetime. - Over 1million BPS. - no ip bans/lifetime bans. acc is open. Only Paypal. add my ICQ. 232 808 718 sry for my terrible english Moin, verkaufe mein Eden account. oben ist aufgelistet was drauf ist. wer interessiert ist kann mir ja hier schreiben oder icq adden. preis kann man dann ausmachen. - Ceriwen

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      Wts mid account, ywain1

      Account Information
      Rr 4.8 hunter cl 10 ml9 full temp. Rr4.0 skald ml 10 cl 10 full temp ( swap jewl with hunter or buy new, uses same ) Rr4.6 SM with old toa temp Looking for around 400 plats. I am original ower and have SW.

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information

      Account Information
      i'm looking for to buy platin on Uthgard on ALBION PM ME

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information

      Account Information
      WTB account on utghard i'm looking for: mercenary or arms or cleric max price 25 euro i can pay with paypal

      Account for Sale

      Main Character Information
      [Radar_Tool] Needed

      Account Information
      Hi gamer, I looking 4 an Radar tool that are working with version 1.004 or 1.005 of DAOC. DOse one exist ? THX Baldur
      • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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