Selling DAoC Account for Sale {WTS} [Ywain] 27.37 Million...

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/11/13.

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  1. Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    DAoC Account for Sale {WTS} [Ywain] 27.37 Million Rp Accounts (10L9 Thane) & All Best Classes / Temps (1st Account) Subscription Ends 7/18/13 (Have Secret Word) Midgard Zwergmeisterrrr 10L9 Dwarf Thane (Perfect Temp) 55 P Temppa 7L8 Troll Berserker (Very Good Temp) 2 P Imyahuckleberry 7L5.5 Kobold Shadowblade (Perfect Temp) 3 P Temppis 6L7.5 Frostalf Spiritmaster (Farming Temp) 1 P Wemppis 3L3 Kobold Shaman (Bot Temp) 1 P Zwergmeisteroo 2L3 Valkyn Shadowblade (Untemp) Zwergmeistera 2L4 Dwarf Valkyrie (Untemp) Cumulative Realm Points & Plat 14,600,000 (14.6 Million) & 62 P Albion Temppa 4L8.8 Ogre Armsman (Good Temp) 1 P Fastestbuffsaround 1L5 Briton Cleric (Bot Temp) 1 P Cumulative Realm Points & Plat 430,000 & 2 P Hibernia Temppi 6L1 Firbolg Blademaster (Untemp) 1 P Tempiih 5L4.5 Celt Animist (Good Temp) 1 P Brorik 4L3.5 Minotaur Mauler (Untemp) 5 P Sankari 3L2 Firbolg Hero (Untemp) 1 P Fastestbuffaround 1L5 Celt Druid (Bot Temp) 1 P StraightBeast LVL 39 Celt Ranger (Untemp) 1 P Cumulative Realm Points & Plat 2,240,000 (2.24 Million) & 10 P (2nd Account) Subscription Ends 7/18/13 (Have Secret Word) Midgard Zwergmeisterxxx 6L4 Dwarf Savage (Perfect Temp) 162 P Buffmeisterx 2L0 Kobold Shaman (Perfect Bot Temp) 2 P Fightmazter 2L4.5 LVL 49 Valkyn Bonedancer (Untemp) 1 P Cumulative Realm Points & Plat 1,300,000 (1.3 Million) & 165 P Albion Zwergmeisterxx 5L8.5 Highlander Mercenary (Untemp but Good Gear/Weapons) 38 P Fastestgunsindawest 5L0 Saracen Cabalist (Good Temp/Shared with Theurg) 1P Imyahuckleberrry 3L2 Briton Wizard (Perfect Temp) 2 P Fastestgunsindanorf 2L0 Avalonian Theurg (Good Temp/Shared with Cabby) 1 P Cumulative Realm Points & Plat 1,539,000 (1.539 Million) & 42 P Hibernia Madmartiganx 7L9.5 Celt BM (Perfect Temp/Shared /w Ranger) 10 P Serialcrusha 6L5 Celt Valewalker (Perfect Temp) 15 P Zwergmeisterx 6L2 Lurikeen Ranger (Perfect Temp/Shared /w BM) 3 P Smokinacez 5L3.5 Lurikeen Eldrich (Very Good Temp) 20 P Fiightclub 5L3 Celt Champion 5L3 (Perfect Temp) 3 P Straightbeastin 2L9 LVL 39 Lurikeen Nightshade (Perfect Temp) 1 P Cumulative Realm Points & Plat 7,258,000 (7.258 Million) & 52 P There is hundreds of plat worth of items currently unlisted on Midgard House Merchant which both accounts have access to. First buyer will have access and be able to acquire these items. Would prefer to sell to someone who has been vouched for. Not going to consider less than $250 for either account.
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