How to Report a Dispute Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened Example: January 1, 2013 April 15th, 2016 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller Example: I'm the Buyer I'm the Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value Example: $100 USD $200 4. Other Parties Username Example: Site Username RobertSells 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment Example: PayPal PayPal 6. Other Parties Email Addresses Example: [email protected] [email protected] 7. Other Parties Payment Email Address Example: [email protected] [email protected] 8. Other Parties Messenger Username Example: bobskik "rbuy" For Skype 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below [4/15/2016 4:37:02 PM] rbuy: Hello [4/15/2016 4:37:51 PM] rbuy: Let me know when you're on! [4/15/2016 5:56:44 PM] Braiden Miller: I am on now! [4/15/2016 5:57:44 PM] Braiden Miller: Sorry left Skype while at work [4/15/2016 6:01:03 PM] Braiden Miller: You might be away atm, I will be here whenever you get back [4/15/2016 6:01:52 PM] rbuy: Hi [4/15/2016 6:02:06 PM] Braiden Miller: Hi [4/15/2016 6:02:12 PM] rbuy: So you paid for CWS x1? [4/15/2016 6:02:21 PM] Braiden Miller: Yeah [4/15/2016 6:02:34 PM] rbuy: Can you verify the PayPal name by which you used? [4/15/2016 6:03:00 PM] Braiden Miller: Sure Yeah Braiden Miller [4/15/2016 6:03:54 PM] Braiden Miller: on Player up site I used bking and Roblox account is bkingman16 [4/15/2016 6:04:28 PM] rbuy: Usually, I have bots that send the trades when you purchase the hat. [4/15/2016 6:04:33 PM] rbuy: and it looks like they didn't catch you. [4/15/2016 6:04:43 PM] rbuy: So I'll just do this manually. [4/15/2016 6:04:51 PM] Braiden Miller: Okay thank you! [4/15/2016 6:04:57 PM] rbuy: Could you do me a favor? [4/15/2016 6:05:00 PM] Braiden Miller: Sure can [4/15/2016 6:05:48 PM] Braiden Miller: what is it? [4/15/2016 6:06:29 PM] rbuy: Well right now the bot didn't accept the payment, so I can't. So I'm going to deny the payment and have you just send the money through Friends & Family [4/15/2016 6:06:59 PM] rbuy: Because if I accept the payment, I have no idea where the trade will auto send [4/15/2016 6:07:07 PM] Braiden Miller: oh [4/15/2016 6:07:09 PM] rbuy: So I'm going to disable my bot and just do it by hand [4/15/2016 6:07:14 PM] Braiden Miller: Okay [4/15/2016 6:07:23 PM] Braiden Miller: that makes sense [4/15/2016 6:07:29 PM] rbuy: If you're uncomfortable doing this just let me know, and I can contact you when the bot is fixed, however it may sell by then, [4/15/2016 6:07:36 PM] rbuy: so it's up to you. [4/15/2016 6:08:35 PM] rbuy: It denied on your side correct? [4/15/2016 6:08:47 PM] Braiden Miller: Checking now [4/15/2016 6:08:55 PM] Braiden Miller: Yep! [4/15/2016 6:09:25 PM] rbuy: Alright so send 200$ to [email protected] [4/15/2016 6:09:34 PM] rbuy: Through friends and family. [4/15/2016 6:09:51 PM] Braiden Miller: okay give me a minute and I will do that for ya [4/15/2016 6:10:05 PM] rbuy: Sounds good, let me know when you do and I'll see if it went through. [4/15/2016 6:11:54 PM] Braiden Miller: It is saying $2.00 on donation [4/15/2016 6:12:36 PM] rbuy: You should go to Send money to friends and family [4/15/2016 6:12:41 PM] Braiden Miller: Right okay [4/15/2016 6:12:49 PM] rbuy: and type in my name '[email protected]' [4/15/2016 6:12:54 PM] rbuy: and type 200.00 [4/15/2016 6:12:57 PM] rbuy: ($) [4/15/2016 6:12:59 PM] Braiden Miller: gotcha [4/15/2016 6:13:20 PM] rbuy: Make sure you spell it right, I can't really do anything if you send it to the wrong guy [4/15/2016 6:13:31 PM] Braiden Miller: yep [4/15/2016 6:14:24 PM] Braiden Miller: Just verifying spelling [email protected] [4/15/2016 6:14:32 PM] rbuy: Correct! [4/15/2016 6:14:38 PM] Braiden Miller: okay good [4/15/2016 6:17:01 PM] rbuy: After purchasing through my site, were you promted with a window to enter your username for the trade to be sent to you? [4/15/2016 6:17:25 PM] Braiden Miller: Have to fix my card real quick with the online bank site [4/15/2016 6:17:32 PM] rbuy: Okay! [4/15/2016 6:17:36 PM] Braiden Miller: update stuff [4/15/2016 6:17:40 PM] rbuy: Take your time [4/15/2016 6:17:49 PM] Braiden Miller: thanks might be a minute [4/15/2016 6:17:57 PM] rbuy: I got all night [4/15/2016 6:18:06 PM] Braiden Miller: okay nice haha [4/15/2016 6:24:53 PM] Braiden Miller: Done [4/15/2016 6:24:58 PM] Braiden Miller: Just sent [4/15/2016 6:27:13 PM] rbuy: Okay, cool, got it [4/15/2016 6:27:17 PM] Braiden Miller: good deal [4/15/2016 6:27:23 PM] rbuy: Roblox name? [4/15/2016 6:27:43 PM] Braiden Miller: bkingman16 [4/15/2016 6:27:58 PM] Braiden Miller: Wearing all purple [4/15/2016 6:28:06 PM] Braiden Miller: for avatar [4/15/2016 6:31:10 PM] rbuy: Oh my ******* god [4/15/2016 6:31:17 PM] Braiden Miller: ? [4/15/2016 6:31:27 PM] rbuy: I would be sending these off the account 'u_m' [4/15/2016 6:31:45 PM] Braiden Miller: what? [4/15/2016 6:31:57 PM] rbuy: Screenshot by Lightshot [4/15/2016 6:32:11 PM] rbuy: Screenshot by Lightshot [4/15/2016 6:32:21 PM] rbuy: Hold on [4/15/2016 6:32:23 PM] Braiden Miller: oh okay [4/15/2016 6:32:26 PM] rbuy: I have to see if my partner is holding them [4/15/2016 6:32:42 PM] rbuy: What I do is, I spread out all of my stuff (total 3m rap) [4/15/2016 6:32:56 PM] rbuy: Worse comes to worse, if I just lost all that, I'll just downgrade something for you. [4/15/2016 6:33:01 PM] rbuy: Hold on. [4/15/2016 6:33:03 PM] Braiden Miller: okay [4/15/2016 6:33:31 PM] Braiden Miller: You are fine you waited for me [4/15/2016 6:33:38 PM] Braiden Miller: I have all night as well [4/15/2016 6:36:11 PM] rbuy: Alright man, I'll work this out [4/15/2016 6:36:48 PM] rbuy: My buddy gets off work at 11PM EST, he has them right now. I'll try to see if he can get on at work and send the trade over to me or you, if not are you fine with getting the trade around 11? [4/15/2016 6:37:07 PM] rbuy: Sorry about this, this is a terrible first impression. I can assure you this hasn't ever happened before. [4/15/2016 6:37:21 PM] Braiden Miller: is it 8:38 for you right now? [4/15/2016 6:37:23 PM] Braiden Miller: pm [4/15/2016 6:37:37 PM] rbuy: Sure is [4/15/2016 6:38:19 PM] Braiden Miller: Okay I am 2 hour behind at 6:39 now so 2 hour from now if he can't? [4/15/2016 6:38:24 PM] Braiden Miller: hours* [4/15/2016 6:39:04 PM] rbuy: Yeah you'll have it within two hours. [4/15/2016 6:39:20 PM] Braiden Miller: okay as long as I get today it all good! [4/15/2016 6:39:28 PM] Braiden Miller: it's* [4/15/2016 6:39:37 PM] rbuy: However I do have Red Fang for 20$ right now on ne of my accounts I can access [4/15/2016 6:39:40 PM] rbuy: You interested in that too? [4/15/2016 6:39:52 PM] Braiden Miller: might be [4/15/2016 6:40:09 PM] Braiden Miller: give me sec to check it out [4/15/2016 6:42:07 PM] rbuy: Sounds good [4/15/2016 6:42:40 PM] Braiden Miller: I need to hold off on that one, might sell before I can, need to wait till my 2nd job pays me [4/15/2016 6:43:02 PM] rbuy: Okay dude [4/15/2016 6:43:59 PM] Braiden Miller: I am going to work on some things but I will leave this open [4/15/2016 6:44:23 PM] rbuy: Sounds good, make sure you have a small item [4/15/2016 6:44:32 PM] Braiden Miller: Got 1 last night for it [4/15/2016 6:45:23 PM] Braiden Miller: Purple crazy glasses is the small item for it [4/15/2016 6:45:29 PM] rbuy: Okay man [4/15/2016 6:46:24 PM] Braiden Miller: all right just let me know on here if he can earlier if not I will be on here still, if we have to wait till 11:00 which is fine [4/15/2016 6:48:23 PM] rbuy: Okay dude [4/15/2016 6:55:27 PM] rbuy: Also now is a good time to switch to my other paypal with the money lol [4/15/2016 6:55:48 PM] rbuy: Last time I sold a dominus rex, the guy charged back [4/15/2016 6:56:05 PM] Braiden Miller: For real dang! [4/15/2016 6:56:10 PM] Braiden Miller: yeah that would be good [4/15/2016 6:56:30 PM] Braiden Miller: How much was it? [4/15/2016 6:58:19 PM] rbuy: 370$ [4/15/2016 6:59:02 PM] Braiden Miller: Very nice! [4/15/2016 7:00:02 PM] Braiden Miller: lol everytime something new comes out that last less then like 10 minutes like the green glowing eyes that just came out, I am always at work when Roblox releases them [4/15/2016 7:00:31 PM] rbuy: I had 10k on the account I was using and it was 5k.. I got so sad [4/15/2016 7:01:27 PM] Braiden Miller: Dang, same thing happened to me with Patel shaggy got on right after they relased and stop selling for 1st price [4/15/2016 7:01:32 PM] Braiden Miller: Pastel [4/15/2016 7:01:48 PM] rbuy: Do you play cs:go? [4/15/2016 7:02:04 PM] Braiden Miller: No haven't played it yet, I play lol and tf2 though [4/15/2016 7:02:32 PM] Braiden Miller: I watch a lot of vids on it [4/15/2016 7:05:45 PM] Braiden Miller: Seems like a fun game just don't know if I want to get into another game or not quite yet but debating On cs:go still [4/15/2016 7:12:40 PM] rbuy: I only play it to gamble [4/15/2016 7:12:55 PM] Braiden Miller: Haha nice! [4/15/2016 7:13:55 PM] Braiden Miller: Is like real gambles but for like skins? [4/15/2016 7:32:20 PM] rbuy: Yeah [4/15/2016 7:32:31 PM] rbuy: It's pretty cool to just do it in the background [4/15/2016 7:33:13 PM] Braiden Miller: that's pretty sweet! you play anything else? [4/15/2016 7:37:02 PM] rbuy: Not usually, I tried "The Culling" [4/15/2016 7:37:04 PM] rbuy: it's a fun game [4/15/2016 7:38:49 PM] Braiden Miller: Oh that game, I watched someone on youtube who played it and actually looked like a really good game [4/15/2016 7:40:38 PM] Braiden Miller: I plan on getting that one, is multiplayer Co-op? [4/15/2016 7:40:51 PM] rbuy: There is a team mode for 2 players yes [4/15/2016 7:40:56 PM] rbuy: Not local two player though [4/15/2016 7:41:28 PM] Braiden Miller: Yeah my Best friend lives in N Carloina and wanted to find a good game to play [4/15/2016 7:46:37 PM] rbuy: I recommend it, it's good for teams of two [4/15/2016 7:48:04 PM] Braiden Miller: Might have too thanks for the recommendation! [4/15/2016 9:20:26 PM] Braiden Miller: I am back now, how is it coming along now [4/15/2016 9:25:08 PM] Braiden Miller: You there? [4/15/2016 9:32:32 PM] Braiden Miller: Hey need to some things soon again kind of wan't to get them asap [4/15/2016 9:33:23 PM] Braiden Miller: 11:35 now so hoping to get them before 12:00 At this point he didn't give item and got off
Also tried to dispute on Paypal but can't using The other form of payment that doesn't allow you to dispute it on there need help!
Me and Bking worked this out, after he attacked my Facebook friends list, he soon realized that I was on vacation. I got on and delivered the CWS. He can vouch for that.