Want to sell account with 3 lvl 60 characters - CW, TR and DC. CW - 17.8k GS, rank 8 enchantments (radiants in offence, darks - defense), Ioun stone of Allure, Greater Plague Fire + L. Soulforged, Boons: Sharandar 5/5, Dread Ring 5/5, Icewind Dale - 5/5, TOD - 5/5, Legendary Artefact Weapon, 110 % mount - Owlbear, a lot of titles, 5 bags imgur: the simple image sharer TR - 14k GS, Ioun Stone of Allure, Boons: Sharandar 5/5, Dread Ring 5/5, Icewind Dale - 5/5, TOD - 1/5, Ancient Weapons Set, 110% mount - Apparatus of Kwalish, feats and powers was reseted imgur: the simple image sharer DC - 11k GS, just up him http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/biggrin.png imgur: the simple image sharer Also this account have first buyer pack with respec, change appearance token, War Dog companion, Greater Stone of health (1 bound to acc and one not bound - 200 charges both) Wanna sell account for 60 $, payment method - paypal, add me in skype if interested - ilyuhahawk. Thanks http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/tongue.png