Hello guys, today i want to sell my Cube World account for a 10€ Paysafe/G2A gift card or 10€/$ worth of RP in League of legends. I can edit the Name, E-Mail Address, InGame name and Password for you! The trade would look like this: 1. I prove that i am the account holder. 2.You give me the Paysafe code/... 3.I'll send you a Key for an encrypted website, you can enter the key there and download a ZIP file with a random password chosen, you now can log in witht his password! 4.If you have any problems, i'll support you and fix this problems for you so you can start to play! Screenshots: Dein_Name is the name what you want to choose, basicly its Your_Name in German, as this was an german account earlier. If i edit the e-mail you have to end the registration by clicking a link in your E-Mail box, which means that as soon as i enter your e-mail you're the new account holder(because i cant login to your email, obviously!)