Sold CTDT F2Play - 700k++ || FULL Jap and SA team || 300++DB

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ckleb_, 4/22/23.

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  1. /u/ckleb_

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    Selling Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Account:
    ID = 862 956 487
    Price: $60 USD

    *GIFT:*: 4 or 5 100% SSR Player + some dreamballs (growing everyday)

    The reason i'm selling this account is that i'm not playing it anymore due time.The account is up to date and recibing daily login giftsthere's a lot of stuff on the inbox i need to claim, such as black balls (R, SR, SSR and Books URmax and UR - SSR)I was mainly playing Blue japan and Rainbow S.ATeam power will grow up when you do the Limit BreakAccount have LOTS of recovery balls, Tech extraction ticket and Skip tickets

    Actual Formations: :S.A: 717.505Red: 675.327Green: 703.366Blue: 771.717Japan: 768.569No-Jpn:712.097 <-- outdated (havnt added new players to squad)

    This account possess: (updated on august)


    UR (max) = 52 (includes gacha, DC, DF)UR = 23 (includes gacha, DC, DF)UR (chest) = 10Total UR = 85

    HA Players = 12HA Ready = 12

    SR = 33Potential Total UR = 118 (even more) (including dupes)

    Evolution Objects:Legendary Drill = 22Red = x4 x216 x710 x1437Blue = x3 x67 x374 x970Green = x2 x200 x612 x1358

    Training Books::UR Max Red = 2UR Max Blue = 2UR Max Green = 1

    UR Red = 29UR Blue = 19UR Green = 19

    All Parameters Max = 5All Parameters = 3Link for images::CLICK HERE FOR IMAGES GALLERY

    Important Updates::- Since i'm still getting rewards (login and special playerup) and dreamballs, the info above may be outdated, but im not spending anything from the above

    UPDATE: some of these info may be outdated

    # #/ckleb_
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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