Okay guys... Reason why i'm selling: Need nx for maplestory ( yeah yeah '' LOL '' ) I only accept Paypal or NX. NX: Enter the cards and buy my MTS item Paypal: Send me the money YES We will be using an MM ***************************************************** For info on which MM to choose and offers EDIT: HIGHEST BIDDER WINS! ( Cannot offer NX + Paypal unless the offer is high enough for approval ) I quote maramizo '' There is a section but this guy obviously didn't know. 9 Perm guns, would take around 59-80 '' ***************************************************** Account info: Name: Ditshots Kdr: 0.91 GP: 27k Perms: 9 I ACCEPT Paypal / NX Contact me: ***************************************************** Bumpy. I'm looking for offers 50+ Bump Looking for low offers. EU? or NA? NA Bumpss are you still selling pm me what does mm mean?