Hey there everyone! I'm currently in the work to create a marketplace for CSGO accounts! Therefore I have a few different accounts in stock, here is a brief description (more details through discord) I can proof ownership of all of these accounts, their according emails and the linked authenticator. https://ibb.co/QXTGGN7 https://ibb.co/QDbnSgY https://ibb.co/q7DdK5f https://ibb.co/5chjqYx https://ibb.co/nbj4d47 All of the accounts feature: -CSGO Prime -Full Access -Phonenr linked (using 5sim) -Desktop Authenticator (GitHub) -ill help you set it up if needed There are no set prices. If you add me, have an offer ready - I orient my prices around what people are ACTUALLY down to pay! Hit me up Xizz#3441