title says g a m e b r e a k i n g DISCLAIMER - you get a cooldown, but you are able to reconnect to the game regardless. This is a glitch in CS:GO Competitive Matchmaking that I found a few days ago: 1. Connect to a competitive game. 2. During the warm-up change your steam account password (preferably right before the game starts). 3. Ignore the steam login pop-up and just reconnect to your competitive game. 4. Enjoy limitlessly teamkilling your teammates and you can't get kicked, well you can, but you can still reconnect to the game! 5. You cannot get overwatch banned for griefing (I think) because officially you have already abandoned the game, but I am not sure. 6. You may get annoying disconnects "no steam logon" but just reconnect. Enjoy while it lasts! Get some hilarious reactions from your teammates!